Happy Monday

Health Risk Assessment

Health Risk Assessment in the company: obesity, sedentarism, and other habits that negatively impact the overall health and performance of employees.

Nutrition Workshops

Online or worksite nutrition workshops & webinars: Mediterranean diet, how to feed the brain and nourish the body, mindful eating, organic food, how to quit sugar & junkfood, and more.

Creative & Healthy Cooking Sessions

Online or onsite Creative & Healthy Cooking Workshops. Learn to combine food correctly, prepare healthy meals and eat mindfully.

Nutrition & Mindfulness Teambuilding Activities

Nutrition & Mindfulness activities for team buildings, which help employees develop a healthy body and mind, building team spirit, have fun together, and eliminate stress.

Elena Cosbuc, nutritionist certificat, corporate wellness coach

When they are healthy, your employees work with joy!

Focus on HEALTH

“The pandemic brought many changes in our daily life: working from home, social distancing, lack of movement, more stress, emotional eating. But it also brought the opportunity to put health first and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

You could offer this opportunity to your employees. You could become their hero. You could transform their life, motivate and guide them towards a healthy life.

Be sure that their strong health, boosted by a well-chosen nutrition and movement program, will quickly reflect in their results at work! ”

Elena Cosbuc, Healthy Nutrition & Corporate Wellness Coach, Founder of Happy Monday Nutrition


Do you want to offer your employees a next level nutrition & wellness program? Drop us a line and we’ll get in touch with you right away!

Motivate your employees through healthy nutrition programs!

Happy Monday Nutrition

Healthy Nutrition Programs

Employees get the chance to learn how to eat healthily and stay fit, through personalized nutrition programs that are simple and easy to follow. They get quick recipes, they cook together, and they eat healthy!

Nutrition & Mindful Eating Workshops

We discuss tips & tricks on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle, what to eat for an unbeatable memory, for a healthy heart, or for a fit, strong and healthy body. We learn how to eat mindfully, and how to transform food in our friends, so as to eliminate daily stress and binge eating.

Movement for Employees

Movement, along with healthy nutrition, helps eliminate stress and tension accumulated daily and build a powerful body and mind.

Happy Monday Programs

Instant Results

Increase motivation & productivity in the workplace

Wellness programs have proven results in increasing employee productivity.

Decrease the number of sick leave days & HR costs

Prevention at work leads to the decrease of the days of medical leave and implicitly to the reduction of the associated costs.

Create cohesion in the team & engagement with the company

When employees get the chace to interact in an informal context, as in team building, they are happy at work and will stay with the company.

Your employees' health is the most importantasset in your company

Now is the best time to start prioritizing your employees' wellbeing

When your employees are healthy and happy, your company will grow healthy

Vezi cum se desfasoara programul Happy Monday

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Vezi imagini din timpul claselor de yoga, nutritie si masaj efectuate la clientii nostri.

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